Research shows entrepreneurship has more to do with a moneyed family than a 'risk-taking gene.'
What really sets entrepreneurs apart from everyone else? It's not their resourcefulness, imagination, ability to foresee trends, or their belief in their own ideas, according to a recent piece
on Quartz. It's the mouthful of silver spoon they were born with. "The
most common trait among entrepreneurs is access to financial capital,"
the piece notes, citing a wide range of research.
No wonder. It costs an average $30,000 to start a company and the
vast majority of start-up funding comes from personal assets and
investments by family or friends. In addition to start-up costs,
founders have to run their ventures for some time without drawing a
salary. So it's easy to see how having a substantial bank account,
wealthy friends or relatives who are willing to bet on you, and maybe a
family or spouse who'll support you for a while makes starting a
business much more feasible.
So, yes, whether you have money of your own, or rich relatives to
lend you theirs, can make or break your chances of starting a successful
business. That's the bad news. The worse news is: It's not just about
the money. The start-up world favors those who come from privilege in
many different ways, and access to capital is just one of them.
1. College gives entrepreneurs a big boost--if they attend an expensive, elite school.
How many high-profile startups started life at prestigious
universities? You can't count them all. Facebook came from Harvard.
Google and an infinite number of others came from Stanford. Airbnb's
founders got together at the Rhode Island School of Design. And on and
on and on.
The ballooning cost of college, especially at elite universities,
puts attendance at schools such as these beyond the means of most
nonwealthy students. And yet these schools have shown how effective they
are both at turning out full-blown startups and at fostering the
friendships, connections, and contacts with both professors and
investors that often lead to successful ventures after graduation.
Less-well-off people who attend state schools, community colleges, or no
college at all are already way behind the entrepreneurship curve before
they've even hit their 20s.
2. Entrepreneurs from wealthy families tend to have the right connections.
You can't overstate the power of networking,
so it matters whom you have in your network. If your family is moneyed
and influential, there's a better chance that you know, or can get an
introduction to, the kinds of moneyed and influential people who can
give you a great start. They may become investors, or introduce you to
investors, but, once again, this isn't only about money. The right
connections can give you great advice, and introduce you to successful
people in your field who can provide insider tips and even to potential
customers. If you don't have those kinds of connections, you're two
steps behind before you even get started.
3. If you have the wrong background, you're unlikely to be accepted into the startup tribe.
There's a reason Silicon Valley entrepreneurs tend to look kind
of…cloned. You know who I mean: White men in their 20s and 30s, fit but
not muscle-bound, wearing jeans, T-shirts, hoodies, and often glasses.
They went to an expensive university, ride bikes or drive plug-in
electrics, and play a mean game of Ping-Pong. A couple of months ago, an
ad for a Woodside, California, group house called Startup Castle
drew ridicule for demanding that applicants for its coveted spaces work
out at least 15 hours a week, wear makeup no more than twice a week,
have no more than one tattoo, and only rarely listen to songs with
explicit lyrics. (The resulting media storm drove Startup Castle to move to an undisclosed location in Los Altos.)
You don't need Startup Castle to know that if you drink Bud rather
than craft beer, prefer Nascar to tennis, and like pickup trucks better
than hybrids, you're going to be a bad cultural fit in the start-up
world. If you think that won't affect your chances for success, just ask
the nonwhite, nonmale, nonyoung entrepreneurs who've been there.
4. Coming from a wealthy background makes it easier to take risks.
There's an obvious side to this: If your family and friends have
money, then pouring all of yours into a startup is unlikely to put you
on the street if it fails. But that's only part of the problem. Research
shows that fearing or accepting risk
is a behavior people learn, and people who've grown up in households
that are always one paycheck away from eviction are less likely to have
learned to take risks with their money.
They're also less likely to have the kind of confidence
it takes to bet on yourself in a big way. I first read this article
when my husband emailed it to me. I'm the daughter of a psychiatrist and
grew up on Manhattan's Central Park West; he's the son of a postal
worker and grew up in decidedly blue-collar Middletown, New York.
This is why, he argues, I've been a successful entrepreneur for most of
my life and, despite trying, he never has. Not only did my parents pay
for college, they encouraged me to dream big. His parents encouraged him
to get a job in civil service or a large corporation, and then stay
How do we fix this?
Money isn't the only thing that bars the unwealthy from becoming
entrepreneurs, but money may be part of the solution. In the form of
scholarships, seed funds, and incubators targeted at those who don't
come to the entrepreneurial world equipped with bank accounts and
wealthy relatives.
Beyond that, an attitude change is needed. Not only to
encourage nonwealthy people to start their own businesses, but also to
encourage the world of lenders, advisers, and investors out there to
welcome entrepreneurs who don't look and think like themselves. I can't
say I've seen a lot of eagerness on anyone's part within the funding
power structure to do that, though, and that's a shame.
A couple of months ago, Farhad Manjoo published a scathing piece in The New York Times
that claimed the hottest tech startups these days aim to "help people
on the lowest rungs of the 1 percent live like their betters in the 0.1
percent." They do things like deliver gourmet meals to people with
plenty of money but no time to cook, or shuttle the children of
professional parents to ballet and soccer practice at $12 to $15 a ride.
Fubu is a great company that demonstrates the good things that can happen when entrepreneurs don't
fit right into the Silicon Valley mold. But "For Us by Us" can mean the
opposite too: Upscale services provided by entrepreneurs from
well-to-do backgrounds and aimed at customers whose demographics mirror
their own.
Until we learn to create a startup culture that welcomes everyone, that's the best we're going to get.