Practice writing skills: Writing skills such as
simple grammar, spelling, sentence structure and nominalization are all
important for those who wish to be decent story writers. It is also
important to expand your vocabulary. Do this by keeping a dictionary
close by when reading in-case you run into any words you are not
familiar with. When ever you have the time, look up synonyms for
different words and practice grammar,
sentence structure, and other forms of writing skills such as
nominalization, descriptive paragraphs, etc. This will help broaden your
knowledge of English and you will find your writing more fluent.
Create an outline: Before you begin your story, it is
a good idea to have a general idea of the plot. If the plot is unclear
you may find clashing ideas later on in the story so be sure to have a
good idea of it before you begin. Be sure to stay away from common ideas
and try to create your own unique story line. For example, the story
line of the rogue sorceress conquering the world is incredibly cliché
and over used. Think up your own unique story.
Create your characters:
Sometimes it can be difficult to think up characters that are
believable, and your characters can seem very abstract. If you are
finding this is a problem you could always try basing your characters on
someone you know in real life; give them a similar personality, similar
physical traits, or a similar name. By doing this you will be able to
form a clear image of the character in you head. Be sure to ask
permission if you plan on basing your character completely on someone
you know.
Create a location: A story isn't complete without a
scene. Choose where your characters will live; what town, what country,
maybe even what world? If you are thinking of writing a fantasy novel it
may be difficult to come up with a scene. Open your mind and consider
every possibility. It is a good idea to carry a notebook and pen with
you wherever you go, as you may see something that inspires a great
scene for your story. If your story is not fantasy / sci-fi, consider
using real town names and cities (but be sure to do your research on the
town first).
Open your mind: Writers block is very common, so if
you are experiencing it try to open your mind with other 'artsy'
activities, such as painting, reading or drawing. Another good way to
clear your mind is by exercising. Activities such as walking, going to
the beach, yoga and meditation can really open up your mind, so give
them a go. If none of these methods work for you, there are other ways
to open your mind. Try the brainstorming method, write down all the
words that come to mind until you feel like your mind has 'expanded'.
Search for inspiration: Still stuck? Now would be the
time to search for inspiration. Inspiration can be found in the
smallest things; music, art work, poems, even the night sky. Watch the
world around you, there are many potential stories just waiting to
happen. To make sure no potential story goes to waste, always carry a
small notebook and pen in your bag and write down ideas that arise.
Also, consider your dreams as a potential story. Yes, dreams may be
abstract, but they are also stories just waiting to happen!
Imagine yourself in the book: Pretend you are there,
inside your story, living the life of your characters. This will give
you a sense of how real your story feels. By doing this you can also get
a feel of the emotions your characters should be portraying in your
story. Put yourself in the shoes of the character to create real
emotions and reactions.
Read plenty: If you really want to be a decent
writer, it would be wise to read decent books. Reading books daily can
expand your mind and English capabilities. Readers gain many benefits
from reading, as well as new ideological beliefs and an open mind. If
you prefer to stick to mainly one particular genre, try to expand your
horizons and read many genres. For example, if you only read fantasy
novels, try to begin reading a mystery novel. It is always good to
approach life with a ready mind that is open to new ideas.
Take heed of children: Children have the most amazing
imaginations, so if you are ever stuck for ideas listen to what the
youngsters have to say. If a child is telling you an anecdote be sure to
listen carefully, or if you come across children playing a game observe
for a little while, (of course you won't want to come off as 'creepy',
remember this is all in good nature). If you have children of your own
or if you have younger siblings you can look towards them for
inspiration. True, at first some anecdotes told by children can seem far
fetched, but when done correctly these anecdotes or 'child games' can
turn into a brilliant idea for a story.
Practice sentence structure: If you just can't seem
to get your sentences to flow try reading other stories and observe how
the author has structured their sentences. You can use their sentences
or paragraphs as an outline to help you get started.\
Avoid going over the top: Once you have a good idea
you may find yourself getting carried away, when this occurs be sure to
read over your writing a few times, you may find some of your ideas have
already been used or your idea is just plain lame. If this is the case,
don't be disheartened, but persevere. Writing should be an enjoyable
experience and you will know you have done a good job once you are
feeling content towards your novel. Good luck!